Thursday, January 1, 2009

New Years

New Years Eve Party
Each year I pick a theme, well not every year but every year for the past 5, prior to that we still hosted a party but no theme. The theme adds something, making it different than the years before. Even if you do the same entertaining, themes make it special in some ways. I will write more on themes and ideas later.
One thing we consistently do is a scratch off ticket drawing. Over the years we have changed the “rules” and have got it down to a science now. Each person contributes on $1 scratch off ticket or $1 value per person. So a family of 5 can put in a $5 scratch off. All names are written down and 3 piles are made with the tickets. This year we had $36 worth = 34 tickets, then names are drawn. Yeah, you only have 3 winners but its fun and only cost you $1. We have had small winners but are still waiting for that year when someone scratches off a big number. Just make sure you explain this ahead and remind people to bring a ticket.
Hosting the party can be costly but don’t be shy in saying “bring a dish to share”, most guests like to bring something and will ask. My family is great about stepping up and going beyond the dish to make sure we have enough. If the party is just a out of the ordinary gathering for you then supplying everything is fine, but if you are the host house year after year with the same people they wont mind. We still have to work on the right amount of food; we always have way too much!
If you are using plastic cups, set out Sharpie markers so people can write their names on them. Losing your drink sucks but it’s not as bad as drinking someone else’s! Also set out recycling bins with a sign telling people to use it. For me it was easier to tell them to put all recycling in the sink and I took it out for them. Of course this works on any party not just New Years.

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