Thursday, January 1, 2009

Living in Florida with a Dog

I have never been an adult dog owner in any other state, as a kid I don’t remember doing any kind of flea or heartguard type of treatments. But to be responsible make sure you have your dog checked annually and keep them current on all the things they need. In Florida with the temperature you need to be proactive with fleas, and since we have mosquitoes much longer than most places heartguard is a must. I will say that since we started using Front Line or Advantage I have not seen a flea on my dog now or my past dogs – for at least 10 years. It works.
Heartguard is given monthly; well that is how I do it. I write in on the calendar for they year so I do not forget. Obliviously the heavier the dog the more it cost. In 1995 mosquitoes swarmed the Space Coast and were thick well past October. The following January with a new born our dog Lady tested positive for heartworms. We paid for the procedure, that wasn’t cheap, and thought life would go on. Within a week of her treatment she was so ill and had to be put to sleep…in our home no less because she was too ill to be taken into the Vet. So remember to continue giving that pill, it’s such a small price to pay for you pet.
While I’m bloggin about taking care of your dog, get the Parvo shot as well. My Neeko was just about 9 months old when he tested positive for this new, at the time, disease. It affects puppies more than adult dogs. It can be contracted through feces, so remember to clean up after you dog. Neeko was thrilled to have 3 dogs in the neighborhood visit his yard, and very often at that, but I think that is where he ended up getting it. Read more at

Marley @ Christmas

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