Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Seasons - We really have no seasons like you think. But living here for so many years now I have come to appreciate the Florida “seasons”. Our trees do change, certain flowers bloom and the grass grows and grows. My favorite is a crisp cool day with blue skies in fall or winter; both are great for sunsets too. Of course everyone knows we have our “Hurricane Season” – it runs from June – November. I will have to find a positive about hurricanes, so I will say at least we have plenty of notice a storm is coming. Speaking of storms Florida can have some where the whole sky is lit up like a light show. Spring is popular with spring break but you can certainly find quieter places to visit during a vacation. Summer is the wettest season and like most places the hottest. Did I mention the grass grows a lot during summer?
Photobucket *Picture of sunset in my yard
*Moon rising in the front yard

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