Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Calling All Fans

To be a good fan you should have certain things – one is a positive attitude with everyone. No one needs to be a heckler or yeller of negative things. That is probably the most annoying thing as a mom, to see other parent’s yelling at kids because they made a mistake. Or have the game completely about winning. We all like to be on the winning side but kids need to learn more then that. It’s great to see a team work together and especially girls. Watching game after game you really should own a good chair/seat because the bleachers are not that great. For me it hasn’t been an issue because I move a lot, taking pictures and video. I always bring a bag with my camera, extra batteries, and sometimes my camcorder. For great shots you really need to move around unless you want all your game pictures to have the same angle. At one time I felt silly constantly moving around but I do have some great pictures. You have to not care about that, hey at least your capturing the memories. I like to get near 1st & 3rd when I know someone is going to be getting on base, and then behind home is great place for a shot. Now for the person who likes to be outside, but not particularly in full sun, which is me, you need extra things. A sun visor, sunglasses, SPF, even an umbrella and of course water. Because you really are just sitting there for 2 hours.
My favorite softball player sliding in

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WOW she is one of my favorites too...