Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Dealing with a Liar
Liars come in all shapes, sizes and ages, just like lies. Some have no point, and you wonder why they even bothered to tell the lie, usually those are harmless. You have your typical kid lies, I’m sure we all know examples of that. Then you have real lies, ones that can effect lives and be hurtful.
I think liars believe what comes out of their mouth, maybe not at first, but overtime they start to think what they are saying is the truth. You cannot argue with these types of people, it’s how they remember events. Having one around can be difficult and you can get to the point where you dread having to be around them. They tell stories, often embellishing them with their own sprinkle of crap, no better way to put that huh?
So what do you do if you are around a liar? I can tell you that some people never change. I work with men and women at the end of their time. They may have spent their lives being a liar and you know what? That didn’t change because they got older, it is just the way they are. I have no problem calling out a liar. I can’t stand it. Candy coating your stores doesn’t help either; eventually everyone gets tired of that too.
Look at the big picture. Is it you? How do you realize this? Well I think if you have issues with others, not just 1 or 2, then maybe you want to look in the mirror and question your character and try to figure out why you do it. As a person who has dealt with a liar, I recommend you fess up, admit your wrongdoing, ask for forgiveness and move on, just don’t lie.
If that doesn’t work, what do you do? Personally, I distance myself from those types of people.

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