Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Life is So Good

“Life is So Good” George Dawson (and Richard Glaubman)
It took me under a week to finish “Life is So Good”. I thought I would be reading a book about George Dawson learning to read at the age of 98, instead I read history through the eyes of man who looked at life as being good, all the time. I love old people, love to listen to them recall memories from so long ago when life was simple but times were hard. In this story I realized to a greater extent how much harder it was for a black person to live in America. I was saddened to read Mr. Dawson’s memories but quickly learned that he looked at life as a blessing and always, always found good in a situation.
I bookmarked one part; Mr. Dawson was answering some questions, because lots of us want to know “what’s the secret” when we meet someone so up in years, often asking advice. Once of his responses was so well worth noting. He said “Most people ask a question when they got the answer in mind that they want to hear. That’s not really a question. They just want you to help them prove what they already be thinking.”
I recommend this book to everyone.

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