Friday, January 9, 2009

December Pick

My December Pick
Bath & Body Concentrated Room Spray – love it! This little bottle works so well with just 1 spray. Trust me; spray it more and you will pay. While sharing a suite with 2 other family members in SC during a visit to Fort Jackson, my son took Cherry Blossom to the restroom with him, 3-5 sprays later, we lost count, we all had to leave the entire suite to catch our breath it was so strong! You can find these on sale, but when you see a “seasonal” scent, you better get it because they sell quickly and are usually not replaced. I love all of them, except Cherry Blossom!
Bert Bees Products – after trying a few of these and reading great things about it in the National Geographic Green magazine I put it on my Christmas list. To my surprise I received many of their products. They are pricier than most but are worth it. Try a cheaper item yourself, like the lip balm, which contains peppermint oils, great for cooler weather.
My new pick – is the Shark Steam Mop. This was on my Christmas list and anyone that has been to my house knows why. I asked for the cheaper one of the 2 models. After Christmas I opened up to clean for my New Years Eve party and after putting the entire thing together no steam was seen! I tried and tried, finally giving up and resorting to my old stand by. I got the receipt to exchange the mop to Bed, Bath & Beyond, who gave me no problems but a suggestion. They, and I, noticed that a coupon was not used. So I returned the mop, got a gift card and came back with a 20% off coupon. I upgraded to the more expensive model which has the carpet glider, more pads and longer cord. The price came out to an even purchase. Now that I have used the mop I must say I love it. It is kind of back breaking but I think because you realize how much dirt it gets up so you work more. No chemicals used, just water making it very green and you reused the pads after they are washed. I have watched the infomercials on 2 types of these mops and liked the Shark more because it had a bigger surface for the pads. The carpet glider is nice, I do not have much carpet but I used it where I do. The Shark is not for day to day spills but more for your weekly floor cleaning, and worth the money if you have lots of flooring.

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