Monday, November 3, 2008

KSC - Basic

How can I blog and not mention the place my husband works…Kennedy Space Center. Well he doesn’t work in the tourist fun spot but his area (Solid Rocket Boosters) is very interesting. We were lucky enough to attend several open houses for the family of KSC employees to see things others are not allowed to. After 9/11 they stopped most of those types of days, but we were able to attend 2 years ago, which was great for the kids.
Did you know that the VAB (Vehicle Assembly Building) is the largest by volume in the world? From a distance (that’s a song isn’t it?) the building doesn’t loot that big. Take the flag, for example, each strip is wide enough for a bus to drive on it. The ceiling is so high rain clouds can form inside, how crazy is that?
That is why we are known as the Space Coast, also where we get the 321 area code.

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