Friday, September 5, 2008


I may be repeating myself but oh well. My best advice as a mom is to write, take photos and film. Time goes by SO fast. So many funny things are said or done and you may mean to get it on a home video. Next thing you know the child has grown out of that stage. Date your photos!!! You may think you will remember when the picture was taken but give it a year and you might forget. Journaling is a great way to recap things. I love to sit at night when everyone is sleeping and read my old journals. It takes me back and the more detailed the better.

Advice I feel is important is a schedule. My brother lived with us for much of my son’s early years. He always said he would remember our schedule; our house was never chaotic but peaceful and quiet at night. Yes, I said quiet. We had a routine that we followed on work nights: the typical dinner, bath, reading, occasional game, brushing teeth and to bed early enough for the rest of us to have adult time.

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