Thursday, May 29, 2008

Welcome Sibling

More than One – things to help prepare the older child
Before my son was born I took my daughter to pick out a present for the baby – she chose “Swinger” a Ty Pillow Buddy. We put it in a cute baby bag and kept it at her Grandmom’s because we knew that is where she would go when we went to the hospital. I also had a gift for her from the “baby”. She was thrilled that her new brother gave her a present too. I packed snacks & things for her to do because she was 3 ½ at the time and I knew she could become bored at the hospital quickly.
*When our son was born we called our daughter first. Then she got to share the news with everyone. Some family members brought her to the hospital. When they arrived we asked that everyone wait outside of the room while she met her brother. Once she was ready to introduce him then everyone else got to meet him.

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