Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Red Ants

Red ants – I can remember being new to Florida and enjoying a night near the pool our apartment complex had. My sister, who was standing on the lawn which was wet from a resent rain, all of a sudden she starting yelling out while doing some sort of crazy dance, she ran straight for the pool and jumped in. Bad idea…she was being bit by the famous fire ants! In NY we had small ants that didn’t do a thing so this was something unfamiliar. Fire ants are notorious for their painful bite. The pile is visible and looks like loose soil or gopher diggings. They seem to pop up on the lawn after a rain, you can find them anywhere – even close to a tree (that’s another story). They like sandy soil which is typical in Florida. At first you might not see any ants on the mound but once it is disturbed you will see swarms of them and they attack quickly. The can be undetected for seconds before bite. I read that Listerine mouthwash will help alleviate the pain, I’m not sure but there will probably a time I can check on that. Anyone stung who has symptoms beyond the pain and itching should seek medical attention.
Mound of Fire Ants
Don't kick this dirt mound - you will get bit very quickly!

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